Enter to win two (2) tickets to the New England Patriots vs. New York Jets on January 7, 2024 at Gillette Stadium. All payments must be made to CULAC on a personal check, or by showing proof of online contribution to Melissa Robinson.
Drawing Date: Friday, November 3, 2023, at the League Wine Gala (Winner need not be present.)
IMPORTANT: Only credit union employees whose credit union has signed a CULAC Permission Agreement can participate in this raffle. Questions? Contact Melissa Robinson at mrobinson@culct.coop.
Odds of winning based on number of entries received. Winner will be selected November 3, 2023 and will be notified by email or phone. Winner will receive 2 tickets to the New England Patriots vs. New York Jets on January 7 at Gillette Stadium. Market value of the tickets is around $400.00. The seats are located in the lower level, section 102.