Focus on how to recapture debt in a rising interest environment. Clutch helps turn a credit union into a fintech.
Recapture and refinancing pose a significant challenge in a rising interest environment. Loans that consumers got even 9 / 12 / 18 months ago were at lower interest rate levels. Consumers are more rate-sensitive than ever which has shifted their mindsets. We are now seeing consumers explore refinancing immediately after getting a loan because the rates they got on their original loans are perceived to be disproportionately high. The good news is consumers are comparing the structurally lower credit union rates with commercial lenders rates - this is where you will gain members and movement! This session will focus on how to successfully recapture debt in a rising interest environment. Clutch can help turn your credit union into a fintech, helping members and nonmembers apply for auto loans, personal loans and credit cards.
Nicholas Hinrichsen, Co-Founder and CEO, Clutch
Nicholas Hinrichsen, Stanford MBA and FinTech entrepreneur, sold his last company to in 2017. After staying with the digital car retailer for 3 years, Nicholas and his business partner Chris Coleman left to start Clutch.
About Clutch
Clutch uses AI and hundreds of API integrations to build state of the art Point of Sale software applications that turn recapture on auto-pilot. With $41M in Venture Capital funding from Andreessen Horowitz, CMFG Ventures and Curql amongst others, Nicholas and his co-founders turn Credit Unions into FinTechs and help the non-profits dominate consumer lending.